In only a few short weeks I have managed to quit my regular 8-5 office job, become self-employed, join Full Circle Inspiration’s Fantastic Four, meet some amazing people doing extraordinary things, be entertained by a juggling waiter, buy a fully fledged membership to Andy Dooley’s bliss train, enroll in Marie Forleo’s B-School, chill with some pretty awesome guys that have high aspirations of owning an omelet bar one day, and flipping pancakes with my new smiley face spatula. The list can surely go on… but I think you get the point. Life changes in every breath, every A-HA moment, or even in the UH-OH moments when you realize you’re not as happy as you should be, could be, or deserve to be!
In the third week of Marie Forleo’s B-School the word AUTHENTIC really resonated with me. I am sure that we have all made compromises in our lives, sacrifices even. STOP! Be authentic to yourself, to the people around you, in your community, and especially in what you put out into the universe. In business, life, love, or the pursuit of happiness do not abdicate your true self to appease self-proclaimed majority status quo, because it is exhausting trying to be something that you are not and it robs your soul one little piece at a time.
There is nothing more liberating than giving yourself permission to be you and finding clarity in that being. A-HA moment this week! Lean in, be vulnerable, and love who you are. By putting positivity out into the world with the words you speak, the services you provide, products you create, and the relationships that you nurture… the pieces will fall into place as you gain clarity in your vision.
In the third week of Marie Forleo’s B-School the word AUTHENTIC really resonated with me. I am sure that we have all made compromises in our lives, sacrifices even. STOP! Be authentic to yourself, to the people around you, in your community, and especially in what you put out into the universe. In business, life, love, or the pursuit of happiness do not abdicate your true self to appease self-proclaimed majority status quo, because it is exhausting trying to be something that you are not and it robs your soul one little piece at a time.
There is nothing more liberating than giving yourself permission to be you and finding clarity in that being. A-HA moment this week! Lean in, be vulnerable, and love who you are. By putting positivity out into the world with the words you speak, the services you provide, products you create, and the relationships that you nurture… the pieces will fall into place as you gain clarity in your vision.